Paddy crop chi narsri tyar kraychi aahe khat,pani Vayvsthapan visai mahiti deta yeil ka sir?
R.T.baghade Gondia
Stage 1..
-Preparation of Nursery Area
Prepare 100 m2(10X10 M) nurseries to plant 1 ha.
-Select a levelled area near the water source.
- Spread a plastic sheet or used polythene gunny bags on the shallow raised bed to prevent roots growing deep into soil.
Stage 2...
-Preparation of Soil Mixture
Four (4) m3 of soil mix is needed for each 100 m2 of nursery. Mix 70% soil + 20% well-decomposed pressmud / bio-gas slurry / FYM + 10% rice hull.
-Incorporate in the soil mixture 1.5 kg of powdered di -ammonium phosphate(DAP) or 2 kg 17-17-17 NPK fertilizer.
Stage 3..
Blending mixture
-Filling in soil mixture: Place a wooden frame of 0.5 m long, 1 m wide and 4 cm deep divided into 4 equal segments on the plastic sheet or banana leaves.
- Fill the rame almost to the top with the soil mixture.
-Pre-germinating the seeds 2 days before sowing: Soak the seeds for 24 h, drain and incubate the soaked seeds for 24 h, sow when the seeds sprout and radical (seed root) grows to 2-3 mm long.
-Sowing: Sow the pre-germinated seeds weighing 90 -100 g / m-2 (100g dry seed may weigh 130g after sprouting) uniformly and cover them with dry soil to a hickness of 5mm. Sprinkle water immediately using rose can to soak the bed and remove the wooden frame and continue the process until the required area is completed.
Stage - 4
- Sowing Sprouted Seeds
Water the nursery with rose can as and when needed (twice or thrice a day) to keep the soil moist. Protect the nursery from heavy rains for the first 5 DAS.
- At 6 DAS, maintain thin film of water all around the seedling mats.
-Drain the water 2 days before removing the seedling mats for transplanting.
Stage - 5
-Spraying fertilizer solution
- If seedling growth is slow, sprinkle 0.5% urea + 0.5% zinc sulfate solution at 8-10 days interval
Stage - 6
-Seedlings reach sufficient height for planting at 15 days. Lift the seedling mats and transport them to main field.
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