Saturday, July 1, 2017

The 10 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event by JOE GARECHT

Fundraising events are a popular form of fundraising.  While they can be great money makers for an organization, they can also be time consuming and expensive.  The success of events depends on careful planning.  (Yes, you should have a written event plan for every event you hold!)
To help you ensure that your fundraising event is a winner, here are ten major components that you must incorporate into your event plan:

1. Purpose:
Before doing anything else, you must decide what the purpose of your event is. Is this truly a fundraising event? Or does it have other goals? Perhaps your organization may be hoping to raise money at the event, but the main function of the event is to gain publicity, or reach out to a new network. Many charitable events have more than one goal. Figuring out the details for your event will depend on knowing what goals you are trying to achieve.

2. Fundraising Goal:
In conjunction with the event host committee, organization staff, and key fundraisers, you must decide what amount of money you plan to raise at the event. If this is truly a fundraising event, then everything in the event plan will be geared to raising this specific amount of money. The amount you choose should be what you hope to net, that is, the amount you plan to raise after expenses are deducted.

3. Budget:
Every fundraising event plan should contain a complete budget listing all of the expenses that will be required to hold the event. Your budget should include staff, invitations, space rental, catering, entertainment, transportation, security, utilities, and anything else that will be required to make the event a success. Your budget should take into account your fundraising goal, ensuring that you raise that amount above and beyond all expenses. Be sure to leave a little extra room in your budget for unforeseen costs.

4. Leadership:
As part of your fundraising efforts, your event will most likely have a “host committee” and one or more “host committee chairpersons.” These people are responsible for contributing substantial amounts to the event and encouraging others to do the same. The host committee is generally composed of wealthy donors, business leaders, or local celebrities. The host committee and chairpersons are not responsible for actually running the event, but are integral to ensuring that you reach your fundraising goals.

5. Target Audience:
Who is the target audience for your event? Is this a general fundraiser where everyone will be invited? Or is this event geared towards a specific group like business people, parents, or young professionals? In short, you must decide whom you will invite to your event.

6. Set-Up:
Your event staff should plan the event set-up well in advance. The set-up includes all of the particulars of the actual event: Where will it be? Will food be served? Will there be entertainment? What kind of dress will be required? What is the itinerary for the event?

7. Marketing:
Just like a new product, your event needs to be aggressively marketed to your target audience. You need to convince your supporters that your organization and event are worthy of their time and money. Draw up an entire marketing plan for the event. Possible methods of “getting the word out” include: using your non-profit’s fundraising network, mailed invitations, direct mail, phone banks, word of mouth and the event host committee.

8. Sales:
Once you market your event, there must be a procedure in place for making the actual ticket sales or accepting donations for the event. You must decide whether there will be different contribution levels for the event (such as a flat ticket charge, an extra charge to be invited to a V.I.P. reception in addition to the event, etc.). You must decide who will sell the tickets, how they will be shipped or delivered, and who will be responsible for organizing the incoming information.

9. Practice:
While you probably won’t need a full run-through of your event, it is essential that everyone who is working the event knows, ahead of time, what their responsibilities are, where they should be during the event, and how the event is going to “flow.” If you are having a large or unusual event, the key event staff may want to have a practice run to make sure that your operation is running smoothly.

10. Thank – You:
One of the most oft-heard complaints from contributors to charitable fundraising events is, “They never even said ‘thank-you.’” Ditto for your event volunteers. Make sure that the organization takes the time to send thank-you notes to everyone who is involved in your event, including contributors, volunteers, staff and vendors. Keep your donors happy… you’re probably going to be asking them for another donation sometime down the road.

Friday, June 30, 2017

शासन प्रोत्साहित पशुधन विकास योजना

राष्ट्रीय पशुधन विकास अभियान हा केंद्रीय कृषी व शेतकरी विकास मंत्रालयाचा उपक्रम आहे. नाबार्ड च्या माध्यमातून ग्रामीण उद्योजकांना प्रोत्साहन देणे व रोजगार निर्मिती करणे याउद्देशाने अनुदान वितरण केले जाते. 

पशुधन विकास अभियान अंतर्गत -
1. कुक्कुटपालन व प्रक्रिया केंद्रे
2. शेळी, मेंढी व इतर लहान चराऊ जनावरे संगोपन व प्रक्रिया केंद्रे
3. वराह पालन / संगोपन व प्रक्रिया केंद्रे
4. वळू संगोपन व वृद्धी 

या चार घटकांना अनुदानित प्रकल्प राबविण्यात येतात. नाबार्डमार्फत देण्यात येणाऱ्या अनुदानित योजना या बँक कर्जाशी संलग्न असल्याने शेतकऱ्यांना बँकेचे कर्ज मिळणे आवश्यक आहे. बँकेचे कर्ज मिळण्यासाठी नियोजित प्रकल्पाचा सविस्तर प्रकल्प अहवाल सादर करावा लागतो. 

माझीशेती शेतकरी प्रतिष्ठान मार्फत 'ग्रामीण शाश्वत विकास' प्रकल्पातील कार्यक्षेत्रातील शेतकऱ्यांना, शेतकरी उत्पादक कंपनी, शेतकरी गट, शेतकरी मंडळ यांच्या सदस्यांना मोफत प्रकल्प अहवाल व प्रशिक्षण दिले जाते. इतर शेतकऱ्यांना नाममात्र दरात या सेवा उपलब्ध आहेत. यासाठी आमच्या प्रतिनिधींशी संपर्क साधावा. 

National Livestock Mission is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The mission, which commenced from 2014-15, has been designed with the objective of sustainable development of the livestock sector. NABARD is the subsidy channelizing agency under Entrepreneurship Development & Employment Generation (EDEG) component of National Livestock Mission. This includes: 1. Poultry Venture Capital Fund (PVCF) 2. Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbit (IDSRR) 3. Pig Development (PD) 4. Salvaging and Rearing of Male Buffalo Calves (SRMBC) We can provide all model bankable project Reports on demand. Contact us for project reports - 9975740444 (Charges applicable) Eligible financial institutions: 1. Commercial Banks 2. Regional Rural Banks 3. State Cooperative Banks 4. State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 5. Other institutions eligible for refinance from NABARD Format for the Administrative approval for the implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme – National Livestock Mission (NLM) http


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Need of Detailed Project Report to start new activity

Detailed project report (DPR) is a complete report of your business flow for specific period. It will be supported in investment decision-making, approval, planning and implementation. Much of time businessman go through feasibility study report to determine planned activity sustainable or not. Detailed project report (DPR) is base document for planning, Implementation, monitoring & evaluation of the project.
DPR includes:
  1. Executive Summery - Summery of project.
  2. Baseline Survey - Pre project research & survey.
  3. Planned activity Introduction - Brief introduction of activity and why promoter has decided to implement. 
  4. Methodology of business activity - Business process & implementation with necessity technology information.
  5. Human Resources - need of skilled & unskilled human force to maintain quality & quantity of business activity. 
  6. Road Map of achievement - Mission statement & process to achieve goal.
  7. Monitoring Criteria - business activity flow checklist to achieve goal.
  8. Evaluation Criteria - checklist for tempo of business activity towards right direction.
  9. Financial Statement - overall fund requirement statement to get planned result. 
  10. Results / Benefits - end results for specific period or time interval.
  11. General Layout - business activity seed to seed process flow.
  12. Volume of Work - Brief work statement of business.
according to DPR anyone can states the direction of business and if their is any requirement to change in plan so in time without loss can change. so invest little in preparation of DPR to create roadmap towards success. 

Article written by Mahesh Borge, little info in his word - 
I'm Dual Master degree (MBA, MRD) holder candidate with tech background. I have 10 years of experience in community & Natural resource sustainable development sector. I had started my career in 2004 as my first business in OFC Network. My write ups available on

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Advisory for 20170627

Weather Advisory for 20170627
Last week was pleasant for Maharashtra farmers. overall maharashtra rinse well with mansoon. upto today morning 8:30 mansoon covered northern Arabian sea, Saurashtra & partially Katcch. Gujarat, Madhyapradesh also partially wet by mansoon.

as usual kokan & goa coastal region get heavy rainfall while middle maharashtra, Marathawada, Vidarbh midium rainfall.

upcoming next 3 to 4 days farmers have to take care cause there is predictions of heavy rain with speedy wind and lightning. temperature range between 21 to 30 °C. daytime feeling approx 24°C. Air pressure is upto 1003.9 hPa and humidity 95%.
We are providing consultancy for organizations in cropping patterns, Production systems, Micro-enterprises, Livelihood, SHG formation and sustainability. for more details contact us at
first Image showing rainfall map for next 3 days and Another second image showing statistics of weather condition.